bakes for sharing gathering & celebrating


Her hands make that which fills her heart

And so it was whimsy, earnest, flavor forward bakes for you and anyone who's wondering or wandering - There's a seat for you here.


Our heart for this business comes from a desire to create something new in the place that we call home. To contribute something to our city, to foster an environment  that builds community, even if it's just by way of a baked good or taking a moment to write someone a note on a beautiful card.

In our travels we've learned that people are progressive, not places. Traveling became more field study, and now, baking has become an homage to the places and experiences that grew us, to the lessons and things we've learned to love, to the memories of people who took time to teach us to bake and cook, those people who continuously showed us that hard work and passion are what dreams are made of. 


oh Hi,

Thank you so much for visiting my site. I am Shara; the founder, baker, marketer, craftswomen and all things behind FlourPress. My passion is to share good natured treats, and celebrate the parts that make life sweet. The name FlourPress comes from this idea to merge baking (flour) and printmaking (press). I’ve always loved greeting cards, stationary, and art. I have many talented friends from all over that country that are artists, designers and are printmakers and love to support them by showcasing their talent alongside fresh bakes. I have been a pastry chef for 8 years. I went to culinary school in Portland, Oregon and since then, I’ve had a pretty colorful journey in the culinary world. But - I guess every part of the culinary industry is ‘colorful’ and I’ll forever love it, and shake my fist at it at for that reason! With this career I’ve lived in 5 cities - from pasta making, to creating pastry programs for restaurants, restaurant openings, to ice cream and now finally, my very own micro- bakery. My heart is overwhelmed to see a dream that has been tucked in my back pocket for years become an actual thing. Thank you so much for coming along on this journey with me - I am delighted to be here! Now, let’s eat!